Well, it's been a very busy authorly week.
Other writers had come from further afield - glamorous Carina from Germany and Nigel had an awfully adventurous journey from Ireland - and it was just a wonderful occasion to get together as a family, a supportive and inspiring group at various stages of our careers from the published to the aspiring and everyone in-between. For what can sometimes be a fairly solitary profession, it was a real treat - thank you Jenny.
Oh, and write the second novel - which I now have a deadline for! Yes, on November 1st 2011 my second book is due. This is very scary as:
a) I'm not sure what this'll be...
b) I have 4 editors so I really hope they AGREE what the next book is going to be, and
c) it took on-and-off SIX YEARS to write the first one - and I have 80 pages of edits on Someone Else's Footprints to do before I can even think about anything else! Help!
Then on Monday Mum and I had a meeting with a children's publishers based in the next village! Now, you have to understand my village has one shop, a post office, a hairdressers (of course) and that's about it, so to find a children's publishers in the next village is pretty incredible. It was so lovely to go in and chat to real live publishers, and have a chance to actually pitch our picture-book ideas - so often the manuscripts just get emailed off with a covering letter and a wish and a prayer and you never get to meet the people who read them unless they actually want them(!!) - and especially now I have an agent I'm even more removed from the process - so to have the chance to get a bit more hands-on and actually meet and pitch and discuss ideas with editors and get instant feedback about what worked/what didn't and what they liked/didn't like was glorious and so refreshing.
And inspiring! Since that meeting I've had four new ideas for picture books I really don't think I would've come up with without the buzz of that meeting. Whether they're any good or not remains to be seen... But fingers crossed!
Back to wishin and hopin' :)
Very nice poost
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