One of the questions I most often get asked is why I decided to write about Huntington's disease in the first place, and the truth is it was almost by accident. For the purposes of my plot I began researching various genetic illnesses, and and stumbled upon Huntington’s disease, a hereditary condition with symptoms similar to the physical effects of Parkinson’s plus the mental decline of Alzheimer’s.
Having never heard of Huntington's before, I was especially surprised to discover that while there are around 6,000 reported cases in the UK there may actually be up to twice as many cases, because people often hide their condition, are mis-diagnosed, or even decide not to be tested.
Why? Because there is no cure.
This got me thinking. What would Rosie do?
What would I do, if I were at risk?
What would you do?
Suddenly, Huntington’s disease became the beating heart at the centre of my story, which consequently evolved into a much deeper, more emotional tale about secrets and lies, devastating ethical decisions, the complexities of family, and the enduring strength of love through any adversity.
Another "Oscar"winner was the engaging and charismatic Dr Ed Wild, who's tirelessly searching for a cure for Huntington's disease, whilst taking the time to run the HD Buzz website to explain all the medical-speak in plain language. He even posted live tweets during a lumbar puncture/spinal tap to reassure and encourage others to do the same (spinal fluid is extremely useful for HD research). There have been some extremely exciting developments recently, and hopes are high for a cure within the next few years.
And the HDA even kindly gave me an "Oscar" for writing the best book about HD - beating Ian McEwan's Saturday, which features a villain who has Huntington's disease.
The "Oscar" now sits in pride of place in my living room.
The HDA do an incredible job supporting families affected by HD - and to those families they're a godsend. Because the disease is thought to be so rare, and little heard of, there is very little government support, and even GPs don't always spot the symptoms or know how to deal with people affected. If understanding and awareness of HD grows, hopefully so too will support and funding for sufferers, their families, and the search for a cure.
I hope to help raise awareness and funds with Someone Else's Life, and in addition to the cheque, I will be donating £1 for every copy of Someone Else's Life sold at my launch events for my new book, Little White Lies, this week:
Thursday 17th October Waterstones Islington 6pm
Saturday 19th October Heffers, Cambridge 4pm
Do pop by if you're free, it'd be lovely to see you x
The Huntington’s Disease Association is a UK registered charity which exists to support people affected by the disease and to provide information and advice to professionals who support Huntington’s disease families. The HDA is financed through the generosity of trusts, foundations, the statutory and corporate sectors, branches of the HDA, members and friends. Find out more at hda.org.uk